American Political Development (APD)

The American Political Development website is a joint undertaking of the Miller Center for Public Affairs' American Political Development Program and the scholars of the American Political History Initiative. The purpose of this site is to facilitate the study of American Political Development by bringing together a wide variety of resources for APD scholars in one easily accessible source. The two major sections of this site are the American Political Development (APD) Town Square and Electronic Classroom. The Electronic Classroom will provide links to resources on the web for those teaching APD at the college level. Resources will include primary source links, syllabi, exam and assignment questions from other scholars engaged in teaching APD related courses, all categorized by topic. The goal of the Electronic Classroom is to make readily available a wide variety of teaching resources and facilitate the use of multimedia sources for those teaching American political history. The APD Town Square will gather information and links relevant to APD scholars including newly published articles and papers from a variety of journals and presses; conference and professional notices; links to relevant journals and journal articles. The APD Town Square will also host electronic discussion Forums on timely topics relevant to the APD field. [self-description]
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American Political Development <>



United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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